After a summer weekend babysitting my wonderful granddaughter, I broadcast with Sandy Lawrence and Aimee Ravichandran on Author Talk Monday with super energetic Judith Briles from Denver. We talked about her new book How To Create A $1,000,000 Speech and her coming AuthorYou Extravaganza.
Author Talk Podcast
Our podcasts can be found on Sandy Lawrence’s or my Facebook pages, on my author page on Facebook, Russell’s Stories, several other Facebook pages, or on the Author Talk YouTube Channel.
Every week we interview authors from around the country. New shows are scheduled every Monday at 10:00 a.m. The only exceptions are those times that I have a conflict with scheduled court appearances.
My Writing

Two years ago Murder For Me was published. Thanks to a very kind post from Joyce Schneider Cameron of my cover on the beach while she was on summer vacation in Jamaica, I started getting posts from all over the world from readers with my book on vacations. One picture posted was on a Greek beach, and it received over 11,000 hits on the internet.
The next book is in rewrites now. I’ve always been a rewriter, not a writer. Just the other day, I told my son, Will, that I had just finished some of my best writing ever. Will knows me: “Let’s hear what you have to say about it tomorrow.” He was right. This week I’ll rewrite those very same pages again. It’s the only way.
I’ve also begun preliminary plans for the book after that. It includes my old hometown, Amarillo. I’ve always wanted to write about it, and an old classmate who includes Amarillo in her books has inspired me. When I was in law school, I interned one summer at the Potter County District Attorney’s Office. During that time, there was a change of venue capital murder trial that I worked on. I’ve always wanted to write about those experiences.

I’ve found that I need to reacquaint myself with my old home town. There are no Rhett Butler’s where lawyers and Judges hangout anymore. You might see me asking questions on Facebook of my Amarillo friends as I look for possible scene locations. Any visits will have to wait until I get my granddaughter’s permission of course.
Here’s another recent Author Talk with Clio Lang, a Houston poet:
I can’t wait to read what “you” think is cool in Amarillo. You’ve peaked my interest already.