This is Go Texan Day in Houston. It’s the day everyone wears cowboy gear to school and to work. It’s even true at law firms. Long wagon trains of Trail Riders wind down the streets of Houston where they all meet at one park. Tomorrow is the Rodeo Parade that they are all in. There’s a three day barbecue cook-off that can best be understood as a Cowboy Mardi Gras where tens of thousands of people eat and drink too much. That started Thursday.
Trail Riders headed to Houston
I seem to always be in court on Go Texan Day, and so I wear my usual lawyer suit. Today I had three cases at the courthouse.
Seven years ago, I was in a jury trial on this day making final arguments. It was in front of Judge Tracy Christopher, who was a damn good trial judge. She’s now on the Appellant Bench.
During a break, I made some smart comment about the fact that we were in court on this day and not outside enjoying the trail rides or wearing western wear.
The judge stopped me right there. “Counsel, don’t you have boots on?” She asked.
“No judge, I’m in trial.”
“Well I’m in trial too and I do!” She said and she came off the bench and showed us that yes, she was wearing Cowboy Boots even while wearing a judge’s robe and running the trial. The jury laughed and applauded her.
I was walking out of the courthouse today with another attorney who was in that trial and we laughed about it. I need to start watching my schedule a little better.
Judge Tracy Christopher
More blogs at I’ll try to post some videos of the Cowboy Mardi Gras this weekend.
Go to for the videos.