Cadillac Ranch Amarillo

Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo

Things people travel to see that are close to you–you never go there. Texas Monthly listed painting the cars at the Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo as a goal of the year, but when I grew up there, that never occurred to me.

People in Amarillo talked about how odd the buried cars were, but I don’t think we appreciated them. Except for the one time after I got my license that some drunken friends and I went out to see if they really existed, I never went over there. It was too windy, muddy, or cold.

Just down the street from it is where we went to park. That’s where we went. Either to park with our dates, or to harass our friends on their dates. On the other side of I-40 from it, we’d shoot our fireworks in the summer. The cars were left alone.

Since I became an adult and moved away, I’ve visited the Ranch three or four times. Now, it reminds me of my youth. The Texas Monthly mentioned it this month.

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