I walked into Himalaya Restaurant in the Gandhi District today and Anthony Bourdain’s crew were setting up for taping a part of one of his future episodes on CNN. It was pretty exciting. I was two tables over during the taping.
I videoed right before they started here: http://youtu.be/KfP0ttultK4
Himalaya is a very good Pakistani Restaurant and was listed one year as the eleventh best restaurant in Houston. The taped scene was Bourdain sitting at a table with a local talking about the food while it was served. If you like that sort of thing, which I do, it was pretty cool.
Here’s a video about my new book release: http://youtu.be/xkn5-mfrdOU
Here’s an update on the publication of Murder For Me: http://www.russelllittleauthor.com/update-on-murder-for-me/